Ministry of Education & Sports, Lao PDR Technical Vocational Education Department

The project has three outputs:
(i) teaching and learning environments at eight TVET colleges upgraded,
(ii) quality and relevance of demand-driven programs improved, and
(iii) access to TVET institutions for disadvantaged students increased. To report against each of the project activities, the PIU will use the template in Appendix 2, the Project Monitoring Table.
(i) teaching and learning environments at eight TVET colleges upgraded,
(ii) quality and relevance of demand-driven programs improved, and
(iii) access to TVET institutions for disadvantaged students increased. To report against each of the project activities, the PIU will use the template in Appendix 2, the Project Monitoring Table.
A. Output 1: Teaching and learning environments at 8 TVET colleges upgraded
Component 1-a: Facilities are upgraded, based on approved proposals, within the first 2 years of the project. The IUs which will receive civil works support are planning for the designs that will meet the needs of the TVC. In Khammouane, however, the project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) supported preparation of the design, and thus it is in advanced stages of completion. In some cases, the project director has suggested improvements on the proposed layout, and those will be updated to reflect the changes. The mission confirmed with the PIU that the individual civil works packages will be procured one by one, as soon as each is ready, rather than procuring all at the same time.
Component 1-b: New equipment is integrated in ongoing training programs by 2018. All participating TVCs have prepared initial lists of equipment for purchase under the project, but the lists will not be confirmed until the curriculum revisions are underway. This is to ensure that the equipment supported by the project will be integrated into the training programs.
Component 1-c: Dormitories are well maintained and provide healthy and student-friendly living environments. 50% of new dormitory spaces are reserved for female students. The mission visited the dormitories from Phase 1 of the project and found that 50% of new dormitory spaces have been occupied by female students. The mission also notes that they are well maintained and managed.
B. Output 2: Quality and relevance of demand-driven programs improved
Component 2-a: 1,000 TVET teachers and managers participate in training measures during the implementation phase of the project; all female managers and teachers at the project colleges will participate in pedagogy, technical, and management training. Under the PPTA, ADB engaged a local consultant to collect all existing information related to training (training approach, methodologies, etc.). The subsequent report will be the foundation for the PIU team and the Team Leader to prepare the TOR for the recruitment of the training firm. The PIU will submit the TOR to ADB by 31 May 2017.
Component 2-b: 50% of trained teachers adopt student-centered teaching methods in 2018. Under Phase 1, the student-centered teaching method was implemented on a small scale. The mission discussed with the DTVE, who agreed to enforce the use of these methods in TVET classes to build two-way communication and learning. The method aims to result in students asking more questions during classes and practical exercises.
Component 2-c: At least 80% of the lesson plans confirm integrated theory and practical training approaches. The DTVE agreed to integrate components of the curriculums of other TVCs in the region, particularly People’s Republic of China, Thailand and Viet Nam, to ensure that the curriculum reflect local employer needs and to facilitate credit transfer for students as much as possible. Also, the TVCs must discuss in advance with the private sector the curriculum reform to identify current and future specific skills needed in the industry.
Component 2-d: At least 50 teachers (20 women) have commenced academic upgrading programs by 2018. The DTVE agreed that the participants in the academic upgrading will be selected using clear and systematic criteria. To ensure that right participants receive the support for further study, the DTVE, with the Team Leader, must prepare selection criteria in consultation with the Department of Personnel and the 8 participating schools. The scholarship should be provided for study in the area of focus that each college has identified for ADB support. Language requirements must be met by candidates seeking overseas training. The DTVE also noted the importance of the gender target.
Component 2-e: Increased number of students in apprenticeship schemes in companies. 50% are women. The quality of the apprenticeship experiences must be strengthened. The DTVE and 8 participating colleges agreed to revise with the partner industries the approach of the apprenticeships to allow the students to have more opportunities for hands-on work experience instead of administrative assignments.
Output 3
Output 3: Access to TVET institutions for disadvantaged students increased
Component 3-a: Criteria and mechanism for selecting poor students for stipends is in place within the first 6 months of the project; 50% of the applicants are women. DTVE and the mission agreed that the selection criteria may need to be revised in consultation with the 8 participating colleges to reflect the real situation by the end of June 2017 and submit to ADB for review.
Component 3-b: At least 1,000 students from low-income families received stipends from the project and enroll in vocational schools (50% women) by 2018. Identification of the first batch of grant recipients will begin in September 2017 under the revised criteria. A lesson from the first phase of the project is the need to get funds directly to stipend recipients. The PIU confirmed the plan to transfer the funds directly to students receiving grants to address that problem. However, the PIUs will still need to confirm that students are meeting the minimum requirements as outlined in the PAM and remain eligible for the stipend program.
Component 3-c: Awareness campaigns have contributed to enhance the reputation of TVET and the understanding of job opportunities for skilled workers. Surveys collect and report sex-disaggregated data. MOES, Microsoft Corporation, and ADB have signed a letter of intent to develop the Youth Work Platform to promote technical and vocational education programs, employment opportunities, and online learning programs. The development of this platform is linked to SSTVETP activities. The platform will be for Lao script, estimated to cost $6,000, and will be financed under SSTVETP, who will also recruit Gabria Company to undertake this assignment through single-source selection. To facilitate the platform’s development, a technical expert is required to coordinate with the private sector, discuss and prepare the employment component, conduct TVET promotion and launch the Youth Work Platform. It was agreed that the project will engage an individual national consultant for 9 person-months, which SSTVETP will recruit, to coordinate with all department in developing the platform. The terms of reference have been prepared and appear in Appendix 3. A budget to conduct activities related to the launching of the platform will be allocated under the TVET promotion activity and the SSTVETP team will carry out the activity. PIU will request the addition of a new consultant recruitment package using SSS, and a minor change request for an additional individual consultant by 15 June 2017.
Actions /Target time framework/Responsible Unit
1. Signed contracts for individual PIU consultants submitted to ADB for approval and issuance of PCSS
15 May 2017 by PIU
2. Submit the terms of reference and cost estimates to ADB for second round of PIU recruitment of individual consultants
19 May 2017 by PIU
3. Submit the TOR to ADB for the training firm
31 May 2017 /PIU
4. Submit documentation to ADB for the purchase of stationery, office equipment and project vehicles
31 May 2017 / PIU
5. Submit revised procurement plan to ADB
31 May 2017 / PIU
6. Revisit the proposed construction design and BOQ; and update master bid documents for submission to ADB
15 June 2017 / KTVC/ PIU
7. Request addition of a new consultant recruitment package using SSS and a minor change for an additional individual consultant and safeguards specialist
15 June 2017 / PIU
8. Establish project website
30 June 2017/ PIU
9. Submit revised selection criteria to ADB for selecting poor students for stipends
30 June 2017 / PIU
10. Submit update MBDs to ADB for approval
30 June 2017 / PIU
11. Quarterly report for April-June 2017 submitted to ADB with attached project progress report, GAP monitoring table and status of grant covenants compliance
31 July 2017/ PIU
Infographic of SSTVET: